Posts Tagged ‘#happiness #joyofliving #live #life #perfection’

Go guilt free!

September 27, 2023

In the era of technology & social networking when we are surrounded with interesting information and power to explore deeper into every thought thrown at us by our ever wandering mind, there would hardly be someone who didn’t find oneself glued to phone amid important works.
Unknowingly we evade from responsibilities and shift priorities which ultimately leave us with regret and self resentment. When such incidents prolong, the constant self rebuke works against our self esteem and gradually lowers self confidence. Increased irritation, frequent mood swings and anxiety are symptoms to watch out for as they can be outcome of constant guilt trip.
Hence it is imperative to fix time for leisure, a time dedicated to spend as per our heart’s desire without judging ourselves. A time when scrolling through random stuff, laughing watching reels and checking out FB or insta won’t leave us with a heavy heart. This time can range from be 30min after every 3hrs or 10min after every hour..totally your call based on your genuine requirement. Use this guilt free time and not more….stick to the routine and see the difference.

Are you burning out?

April 14, 2023

Covid did take a toll…shook economies and inhabitants yet looking at the flip side, it left the world more ambitious and creative. Today majority of the population is indulged in creating a financially stable life for themselves and the hustle is unprecedented.

The youth is past the romanticising era as they are head over heels in love with their dream of living in the moment and that too at their best. Value of financial and emotional independence is at its all time high. This zeal is infectious across genders and age groups. We are witnessing and participating in a social evolution where being a nonconformist is not a taboo but a norm.

The world is on our finger tips, broadcasting thoughts, ideas and actions is happening in a blink of an eye. Households are turning into entrepreneurships and ideas are turning into reality generating multiple sources of income. The pace of this revolution is so fast that where some are experiencing a rush of adrenaline, many are finding the phase depressing. In such a state of extremity, living a balanced life is tricky if not impossible.

What is the key to this lock then? Well, there’s no single key but several keys..and that too personalised. One needs to create one’s own piece to fit the puzzle following the common set of rules. The first rule is to replace anxiety with curiosity. Seeing so much content and success stories around us, comparison comes as an in-face thing and leaves one deprived of whatever little self worth was accumulated over the period. This is where one needs to hold the steer of speeding thoughts firmly and turn it towards thinking curiously about where one can fit in the context.

Next rule needs us to stop investing more time in the external world and increase the share in internal world. Knowing what’s happening out there is important but being vigilant of what’s happening within is far more crucial. Life is not a race but a need to give it all at the go, rather nurture, replenish and reinvest.

Finally the game changing rule is self awareness. Honest and precise knowledge of one’s own strength, weaknesses, virtues and vices is as critical as knowing the artillery before waging a war. There’s no one born without talent so trust that and look for yours until it’s traced and put to use for making you shine. Also, there’s no one born without a again look for it..address it and ensure it’s either transformed into strength or atleast subdued before becoming a roadblock to success.

Possibilities are immense…It is your vision, fueled with determination and backed with action, that determines the distance between dreams and reality. Remember, we don’t have to be the hero of every story…but just one…OURS

Turning 45

March 24, 2023

4 lessons & 5 takeaways


1. Family is the foundation of your existence, never shake it for anything in the world

2. Genuine friends are rare gems, choose wisely and treasure eternally

3. Health deserves top priority, rest everything can wait

4. Financial liberty is your strength, work hard and create your niche


1. Build ur faith strong…prayers and patience make the transition of good and bad times smoother

2. Mental health can be very tricky to handle, keep a check on it and keep it well

3. Invest in fitness, no love or money can substitute your physical independence

4. Leave this world a better place, it’s not charity, but responsibility of being a human

5. Time is rushing but don’t rush with it too much…we r here to live consciously..not survive merely

Heading towards 46th year of learning and growing…..bring it on life, let’s do it!!

What do you choose?

March 15, 2023

No matter we want or not, we come across situations that stir up negatives emotions in us. It could be a criticism, a failed relationship, a missed opportunity or an unwanted altercation. No matter in what form such situations confront us, they mostly leave us deprived of joy and sense of self worth. Everything else cease to make sense as all we see, hear or feel is failure, worry, anger, anxiety or fear. That’s all that our existence becomes.. that one problem becomes the nucleus of our existence.

We find ourselves cornered and chocked. Desperation to get relieved and rescued make us lose composure. We scream, sometimes within and sometimes out loud, trying to grope every hint of hope but for nothing. Life comes to a dead end. At this point we are forced to choose one out of the two choices that we get…One, to accept that life is cruel and we are born to suffer or two, disconnect from external world and connect with our soul.

Life is bestowed upon us to learn, hustle, elevate our knowledge and serve. We are meant to grow spiritually and reconnect with the source of life, the supreme creator. When we wobble off from life’s aim, situations are thrown at us as a reminder to realign and reconnect with the true purpose of human existence.

Now what we choose decides our destiny. If we keep looking at problems we keep getting entangled in the web of self-inflicted misery but the moment we disconnect from the external wavering and reconnect with life’s source we elevate our energies to a new dimension. The warmth of this elevation melts all fears, anxiety, sadness and doubts. So when adversity strikes next…see what you choose.

Self esteem

September 29, 2022

Your true tribe

September 29, 2022

Finding Serenity in Uncertainty

July 26, 2022

Everyone’s life story is different yet one factor is common to all …uncertainty!! The existence of Uncertainty is so certain that it has been prominently used by famous dramatists, writers, poets to set plot for their work. Ironically the same has been used by the almighty, god, supreme, super power..whatever you call the writer of our life stories.

Despite knowing the inevitable existence of uncertainty in our lives we plan every day, week, month, year and the entire step of the way till the end of our lives. Some plans work, most do not and then sneaks in disappointment…the feeling of being at someone’s mercy. There cannot be a commoner who has escaped the process of planning and witnessing the plans crumbling as a house of cards.

So what do we do? I know that u know ..u know the concept of contingency plans, concept of plan ABC or zee for that matter but do they save the disappointment? Do they stand guard against the hurt? Probably not. Should we then wail, whine and accept the vulnerability as fate?

I believe and often experience that to negate the impact of unexpected jolt, we need to strap up ourselves just like a toddler is strapped in the car seat. We need to stay mindful and remind ourselves the facts of life every now and then.

For one, life has no dead ends, so if you find yourself stuck, that probably means you have not looked hard enough for alternatives.

Secondly, flexibility is the phenomenon of survival. Be ready to accept the change, be it desirable or not. ‘This too shall pass’ should be tattooed on our mind and made the mantra to chant everyday.

Finally, the awareness that our mind is the biggest trickster who stays invisible but keeps controlling our experiences of life. It tells us ghost stories of our own future and hallucinates our vision of reality. Steer clear of the tricks played by mind and watch its chattering.

Acquire the skills to master the mind and experience serenity in uncertainty.

Complexities of life

February 21, 2022

Complexities of life,

Are they fact or farce?

Do they exist or are created by

aspects of our own persona

and illusions of our fearful mind?

Is life as unfair as it seems?

Or the tears are brought by comparison, jealousy and greed?

Are these the tears of emotions unreciprocated?

Or it’s the self imposed silence that

leave words unuttered..suffocated?

Is this injustice that one lives lavish

and one lives lean?

one loves dearly and one stays mean?

Or it’s the outcome of brave act one put in,

choosing, toiling, accepting the facts,

knowing when to let go and embark

on a new track?

Is optimism easy to praise than keep?

Are these words too shallow and cheap?

as when reality strikes and adversity bites

sanity goes astray in lone dark nites

Is life truly complex or we lack courage ?

~ RK

Conversation with self

January 19, 2022

Why do I keep failing in every step I take?

Dear self, you have yet to learn accepting failures with grace

when the thrill of effort you savour more than success

that day my dear, you will cease to fail.

Why do I keep getting hurt by the one I love?

True love, my love, is yet to unfold itself before you

when u greet with smile and say goodbye with grace

when ur heart will radiate love for those who leave or stay

when you grow your love to be enough for them and you

that day love will cease to hurt ur soul or see blue

Why do I keep feeling sad and glum in lonesome days?

My darling, you have yet to meet ur true soulmate

as you strengthen your bond with the one living as ‘you’ in ‘you’

when you realise the spirit within self is the eternal companion you own

You will never again feel longing or lone

One last time, tell me self,

why do I feel at mercy, feeble and frail?

When you need someone, be that someone to one who needs you

You, my baby, have yet to know the real strength is in giving and not in gain

When you expect compassion, let the first who extends it to others, be you

When you look for support, become supportive of others in rue

You my dear, need to learn

that there is greater good in life’s lessons and god’s will in longer run


March 17, 2018

Not just a coin…but almost every existing thing in life has two faces. Good-bad, virtue-vice, heaven-hell, success-failure and so on. All our lifetime we keep oscillating between these two aspects. At times times sad, at times successful at times a fail. Entire life becomes a delirium to be on the right side of the world. As no one wants to have a mid-life crisis…yet ironically most end up whirling into it.

Yes, failure hurts, but who defines success? Yes, sadness stings, but who defines happiness?

Perfection again is a delirium…at the end of your life, who’s going to decide if it was a life well lived..? Indeed, it’s YOU..! Because no matter how rich u get, someone will be richer than you, or how many people you make happy, someone will be left hurt.

Antidote to this delirium is every step, big or small, adds up to success if you keep walking in the direction of your calling.

Keep walking…